

My name is Jay Raulerson and I am an avid collector and student of American History. The War Between The States being my favorite subject. I have been interested in this hobby since childhood and once becoming an adult started actively collecting. My good friend took me under his wing since graduating high school and I have continued to learn from him. I am grateful for his guidance and the knowledge that he continues to impart to me, Thank you Dicky and Momma Teressa. To my lovely wife Dawn who is my best friend and puts up with me, thank you for your support. Although a Yankee girl who never heard of artifacts she now thinks she can dictate what can be sold and what has to stay. Lol, but I like her thinking for the most part. And last but not least thank you to our God and the American soldier who gives us the freedom to enjoy our wonderful hobby. And to the memory of the collectors that have gone on before us paving the way. It is my intent to find and pass on quality artifacts to other collectors who will enjoy them. To me this is a hobby not a business.

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." Thomas Jefferson